"In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks."-John Muir
Here you will find award winning landscape, wildlife, and foreign travel images, from Carol and RoyToepke's ever growing conservation travel....which they offer with the intent to reignite your passion for conservation or awaken a connection you have with special place, time or memory be it in your past, present or planned future.
"Come walk with us....."
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Carol and Roy's work ranges in size from 12x12 at the smallest, to 48x96 inches. Their work is offered either as Prints, High Gloss Metal or 1/4" Acrylic Prints: matting and high end frames are also available. They use Bay Photo as their Vendor, so you know you are getting a quality product. Please feel free to contact them for custom orders. The Toepke's also invite you to have some fun creating your own custom room-mock-ups using your home, on your phone. Feel free to use our Live Preview ARL with any of our images on your walls with your furniture to gain a unique perspective. Directions. Again, we welcome you to Collections by Carol!